In Irpinia’s embrace, where the mountains stand tall,
Lie castles of old, with stories to enthrall.
Their stones, weathered by time’s gentle hand,
Guard secrets and legends of this ancient land.

Amidst these fortresses, vineyards spread wide,
Where the vines of Aglianico and Fiano reside.
Beneath the sun’s warm, golden embrace,
Grapes ripen, each with a tale to trace.

In the shadow of turrets, where knights once roamed,
The vineyards flourish, their roots deep and honed.
From these grapes, a nectar so fine,
Flows like history in each glass of wine.

The castles, silent, watch over the fields,
Where the bounty of earth its richness yields.
In the cellars, cool and dark, wines age,
Each bottle a chapter, each sip a page.

As the moonlight bathes the ancient stone,
And the night sings a song of its own,
Raise a glass to the past, to the tales untold,
To the castles and wines, both timeless and bold.

For in Irpinia, where history and nature entwine,
The spirit of the land lives in each castle and wine.
So, toast to the legends, to the vines and the walls,
To the heart of Irpinia, where the past still calls.

Montefusco, Montemiletto, Tufo, and Taurasi,  hold castles and cellars to welcome and help you uncover their history through wine!