It’s clear that oak barrels are widely used in winemaking to give wine aromas, tannins, and structure. There are different types of oak, which influence the taste of the wine in different ways.
Among the most common types are:
• French oak, which comes from different regions of France, such as Allier, Limousin, Nevers, Tronçais, and Vosges. It has a fine grain and low porosity, which allows for a slow and gradual passage of oxygen and aromatic compounds to the wine. It gives the wine notes of vanilla, spices, caramel, chocolate, and toasted.
• Canadian oak, which comes from eastern Canada, mainly from Québec. It has a medium grain and medium-high porosity, which allows for a faster and more intense passage of oxygen and aromatic compounds to the wine. It gives the wine notes of coconut, caramel, hazelnut, and smoke.
• Slovenian oak, which comes from Slavonia, a region in eastern Croatia. It has a coarse grain and high porosity, which allows for a very rapid and strong passage of oxygen and aromatic compounds to the wine. It gives the wine notes of vanilla, spices, leather, and wood
Well, now you know how wine barrels can affect wine!