Mouse taste: what is it?
This term is the literal translation from the French of “goût de souris”. What does exactly the feared mouse scent correspond to?
In the international wine scene we are witnessing an increasingly careful use of sulfur dioxide, and this is splendid news. The problem arises when the reduction of sulfur dioxide does not increase hygiene practices in the cellar (for example some complex treatments with ozone or ionized air ). So, at present ,we are witnessing the reappearance of a gustatory defect that had been forgotten.
Let’s find out what it is :
A gustatory defect … not olfactory! It is the mousiness caused by the ATHP molecule is detectable in the retro-olfactory phase only when the wine is mixed with saliva, therefore it is “invisible” to the olfactory analysis. In addition, the pH of the saliva contributes to the more or less intense perception of this off-flavor which generally arrives after a few seconds from swallowing.
Shall we try to practically understand what he taste of mouse is? t Even if it is not our habit to bite a mouse, it is possible to imagine its taste. A further clarification must be made thouth : there is no single ‘goût de souris’. There are three sensory categories to which we can appeal to recognize it: popcorn, vomit and mouse urine.
As anticipated , however, it is not perceived by everyone in the same way because of the pH of the saliva.
what can we do to avoid this unpleasant and persistent scent that is not perceived in the olfactory analysis,? A solution , certainly not elegant but effective, is to dip a finger in the wine and then wait for it to dry. At that point the reaction with the skin pH will have acted and the molecule will be perceived at a volatile level. Another trick is to add a small amount of baking soda to the wine to find out if it is flawed.
In conclusion, it must be said that not all wines produced with a reduced quantity of sulfur dioxide are subject to this sensorial defect. Indeed the commitment of the winemakers is to work scrupulously and attentively, and it often leads to surprising results that have nothing to do with the “mouse”.
To deepen the nascent world of tasting unconventional wines, led by expert sommeliers, you just have to contact us, we will be happy to guide you to discover new sensations.